Trophies by Drake

Besides Club Paradise, another one of Drake’s best (old) songs I want to revisit is Trophies. In accordance to the rules of analyzing these songs, I’ve not visited any pages on the lyrical meaning and will do so at the end after I give it my shot.


Trophies seems to tell the story of Drake defending himself in front of his enemies by claiming that he is an instrumental figure to outsiders (remember this song was made 9 years ago) like him.

In particular, the song begins with brags (e.g. he doesn’t own, he rents) from Drake meant to establish clearly to the listener that he is beefing with somebody. In case by four lines this is unclear, he clarifies that this song is “not a love song.”

The tune changes as Drake goes from brags to being vulnerable with his enemies.

Damn, what’s the move?
Can I tell truth?
If I was doing this for you
Then I have nothing left to prove, nah
This for me, though
I’m just tryna stay alive and take care of my people
And they don’t have no award for that
Trophies, trophies
And they don’t have no award for that
—- don’t come with trophies
Ain’t no envelopes to open
I just do it ‘cause I’m ‘sposed to

Drake here is explaining how his performance is purportedly not to impress anyone, as (through yet another brag) he has already done so, but to show what’s possible for “my people” (most likely referring to those from Toronto?). He repeats the fact that there are no trophies for taking care of others, as if he needs any more.

While it’s unclear if Drake in this verse embodies a man vs. society conflict, it seems more likely than a man vs. man conflict as I cannot see any clear references to others when he says “boys” in the brags that begin the song.

The song repeats a second time, and then ends.

Was I right?

As is custom, I’ll check my interpretation with Genius.

Genius cannot find any specific people Drake is referring to in this song. Drake’s vulnerable segment about not proving himself to others does not seem directed to anybody and is connected to the general idea that at this time he is basically undisputed #1. All the other references Genius finds are for his brag verse.

That’s all!